Federal Programs

Inside the College Center lobby with scholars walking around

Legacy Early College invites everyone to participate in our Federal Programs

Our schools

are hard at work every day building a strong foundation that will allow for student success and provide the necessary ingredients to make our children college bound. We believe in keeping our partnership strong with our parents and community. We can't do it alone–success will require all of us!

the best legacy you could leave is to make a difference and touch lives.

All parents,

scholars, administrators and teachers, review our a Family/Scholar Compact at the beginning of each school year. This agreement spells out the responsibilities for all to commit to in order to support our scholars in finding academic success.

For more information: Contact our Director of Federal and Academic Prorgams, Virginia Burrows, at vburrows@legacyearlycollege.org or call at 864-248-0646.

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