Students who are eligible to attend Legacy Early College are those who:
- Reside in South Carolina
- Complete the Legacy Early College Application
The admission policies and procedures of LEC provide that, subject to space limitations, Legacy Early College will admit all children who are eligible regardless of disability, race, creed, color, gender, national origin, religion, ancestry, or need for special education services.
All students must provide the following before their application is complete: birth certificate, immunization form, most recent report card, Individual Education Plan (IEP), if applicable, proof of residence (such as a utility bill) and parent/guardian ID. Other documents may also be requested as needed.
The enrollment process for the following school year will begin in March based on seats available per grade. Returning scholars have priority seating.
Legacy Early College will accept:
- 120 Scholars in K4 (Bramlett Campus)
- 130 scholars in each grade K5-4th (Elementary Campus)
- 130 scholars in each grade 5th-8th (Middle School - Parker Campus)
- 130 scholars in each grade 9th-12th (High School - Parker Campus)
If the number of applications exceeds the capacity of the program, class, grade level, or building, students will be accepted by lottery, as specified in federal or state guidelines. Even though the policies and procedures do not limit or deny admission or show preference to any individual group, priority may be given to:
- A sibling of a pupil currently or previously enrolled,
- Children of LEC employees, and
- Children of the LEC committee, provided enrollment does not exceed twenty percent of the enrollment of LEC.
Priority enrollment does not guarantee any student admission to LEC, as acceptance remains based on space availability in each applicable grade.
***A child MUST be four on or before September 1, 2025 to enroll in the K4 program, five on or before September 1, 2025 to enroll in Kindergarten and six on or before September 1, 2025 to enroll in First Grade, as per state law.
PLEASE NOTE: Waiting lists DO NOT carry over from year-to-year and are only valid for the school year in which the student has applied. If a student is not accepted for the current school year, and remains on the waiting list, they will need to reapply for the following school year in order to be considered for acceptance for the following school year.