Middle School
message from the middle school principal
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!
Legacy Early College Middle School serves as the bridge from elementary school to high school on a scholar’s journey to college. Like a bridge, our purpose is to support scholars alongside their parents/guardians, and connect them to resources while preparing them for high school, college, and the world beyond.
LECMS Teachers & Staff commit to:
- Making every minute matter
- Planning and executing rigorous lessons to prepare scholars for success
- Doing whatever it takes for scholars to learn
- Communicating with parents/guardians through emails, phone calls, and Google Classroom
- Regularly updating academic and behavioral progress via PowerSchool and Kickboard
LECMS Parents/Guardians can join us in this commitment by:
- Ensuring your scholar arrives at school on time or boards the bus at the scheduled time
- Reviewing your scholar’s homework every night
- Ensuring your scholar is in uniform
- Encouraging your scholar to follow rules so as to protect the safety, interests and rights of themselves and others
- Checking your scholar’s academic and behavioral progress weekly via PowerSchool and Kickboard
LECMS Scholars can join us in this commitment by embodying our core values:
- Perseverance-Not giving up until at least 80% mastery is attained
- Respect- Listening and following directions the first time they are given
- Integrity-Telling the truth
- Discipline-Being responsible for one’s own behavior
- Excellence-Working, thinking and behaving in the best way
The success of a scholar rests on the shoulders of the school, parent/guardian, and scholar. When all three work together in unison, the possibilities are endless! Let’s work together to lay a strong foundation of culture and communication to produce unparalleled academic excellence.
Scholars first,
Ms. Pierre
- Newly renovated classrooms
- Nationally recognized Dining Hall and wellness program
- State-of-the-art Media Center
- World-class collegiate Soccer Field, Gym, and two-court arena
Our middle school scholars have the opportunity to advance their program of study according to their own individual strengths.
The success of a scholar rests on the shoulders of the school, parent/ guardian, and scholar.
LECMS scholars are preparing to be college-ready from the moment they enroll.
Scholars can qualify to take advanced classes and earn up to 5 high school credits: Spanish 1, Fundamentals of Web Page Design & Development, Digital Workplace Applications, English 1, and Algebra 1, while in middle school.
Scholars enrolled in English 1 Honors and Algebra 1 Honors will take the Accuplacer college entrance test in the Spring semester.
Technology ratio per scholar
PE Class
45mins a day per every scholar
2 HS Credits
can be earned by 8th grade scholars
Weekly Incentives
based on scholarly behavior
Nut free environment and allergy friendly
The Middle School Campus
- High School Courses
- Physical Education Program
- Athletics and Clubs
- Extended Day Program
- Gifted and Talented Programs
- Psychological Services / Response To Intervention (RTI)
- School Supplies